May 17, 2011

Why You Want to Donate to HSUS (Because You Can't Do Everything)

Contrary to popular assumption, there is no one Humane Society. When you give to your local Humane Society or SPCA, you are supporting a small, local non-profit organization, which does not have any real affiliation with any larger organization. It's not like the UC System. It's every organization for themselves.

The  Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) DOES however, provide services which benefit you in your local digs. They influence federal, state, and international policy on animal welfare. They go to court and fight against animal abuse, torture, and cruelty. They do this for all of us, without our even asking. You are welcome.

A BIG thing HSUS does is to conduct animal rescue efforts before, during and after disasters. They were there after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. They are there after earthquakes. They are there after floods, hurricanes, and fires.  They are there now, rescuing animals in Alabama, Mississippi and Missouri.

So when you donate to HSUS, you are investing in a program which benefits all of us all the time, and some of us at critical times, when no one else can help. Give to the Humane Society of the United States, because they do what you can't do: Everything. 

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