May 17, 2011

Why You Want to Donate to HSUS (Because You Can't Do Everything)

Contrary to popular assumption, there is no one Humane Society. When you give to your local Humane Society or SPCA, you are supporting a small, local non-profit organization, which does not have any real affiliation with any larger organization. It's not like the UC System. It's every organization for themselves.

The  Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) DOES however, provide services which benefit you in your local digs. They influence federal, state, and international policy on animal welfare. They go to court and fight against animal abuse, torture, and cruelty. They do this for all of us, without our even asking. You are welcome.

A BIG thing HSUS does is to conduct animal rescue efforts before, during and after disasters. They were there after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. They are there after earthquakes. They are there after floods, hurricanes, and fires.  They are there now, rescuing animals in Alabama, Mississippi and Missouri.

So when you donate to HSUS, you are investing in a program which benefits all of us all the time, and some of us at critical times, when no one else can help. Give to the Humane Society of the United States, because they do what you can't do: Everything. 

May 6, 2011

Tomorrow is San Diego Humane Society’s Barkin’ Beach Bash!

Tomorrow, May 7th is San Diego Humane Society’s Barkin’ Beach Bash! 

Bring your furry and non-furry friends and have a tail-waggin' good time as you walk to celebrate your love of animals. You'll help San Diego Humane raise much-needed funds to ensure that pets throughout San Diego receive the care they so deserve. 

Festivities will include a three-quarter-mile walk, vendors, tasty food, and more!

follow me on twitter: @thegooddoginc

May 3, 2011

What A Dog Wants

The seed of The Good Dog was planted years ago. I've always loved animals more than the average person seems too, especially dogs and cats. After many years of working in shelter environments, and using the services of other, less-than-spectacular pet care businesses, I began to understand that not only was there a market for something better, but that I was the person who should be filling the void and providing what I always wanted  for my own animals: the BEST

Today  The Good Dog provides loving day and night care for pets (in my home or yours) and other services including dog-walking and airport/hotel pickup and drop-off. 

One dayThe Good Dog will be a full-service luxury "hotel for dogs." a fabulous day and night care facility, with grooming, retail, space for training, events, and more!

May 2, 2011

Open for Business!

The Good Dog now provides day and night care for dogs, cats, -- and most other animals too!

The Good Dog provides pet-sitting, day care, boarding, and dog walking services. We also love cats, horses, farm animals, birds, and reptiles!

February 17, 2011

What Your Dog Can't Tell You

I wish my dogs could talk. I am genuinely interested in their opinions, and have consulted them on all kinds of topics. Which dress should I wear? Is it too cold to go outside? Are you as hungry as I am? Do these pants make my butt look big?

One area for which the gift of language would be a huge plus, is with regard to our dogs' health issues. Most importantly,

How do you know when your dog is in pain?

Dogs are known to mask their pain voluntarily, particularly when the pain is caused by something they enjoy, including playing/running/catching/chasing/eating. Dogs with burned pads have been known to continue to run alongside their oblivious owners, in their comfy running shoes, for miles past the point of pain. Veterinarians see it all the time.

But what about internal pain? Stomach issues, ear aches, sore throats and headaches are all conditions that dogs can and do get, but we humans generally miss these painful problems until and unless theres' an external manifestation of internal pain. Throwing up, scratching at the ear or rubbing it on surfaces, coughing or choking are usually what we see when the pain has reached a point of being unbearable.

My dog Katie has allergies that have affected her skin, ears and eyes. I can only imagine that she has stomach or other internal discomfort related to allergic reactions, but I never know anything until the skin erupts, the ear is infected, the eye begins to tear.

Our job then is to be looking for behaviors that could indicate that something "lies beneath."  If i could just ask her, "How are you feeling?"  I would feel a heck of alot better.